Teanna Harrigan

Agent Partner

Teanna Harrigan

  • Title:  Agent Partner
  • Phone:  202-306-6688
  • Email:  teanna@dwellus.com

Teanna is a skilled real estate agent for the dynamic and innovative real estate team, Dwellus. Teanna has developed a keen understanding of the industry’s ins and outs, enabling her to expertly guide clients through complex transactions. Teanna’s primary focus is ensuring that every real estate deal runs smoothly, from start to finish. Her attention to detail, organizational skills, and ability to multitask allows her to stay on top of every aspect of the transaction, ensuring that all parties involved are kept informed and up-to-date.

Outside of work, Teanna loves to spend time with her family. Whether it’s cheering on softball, basketball or volleyball, Teanna loves watching the kids play sports. She also loves country concerts, traveling some place new, or curling up next to the fire for the latest Netflix series!