Samantha Ondrusek

Agent Partner

Samantha Ondrusek

  • Title:  Agent Partner
  • Phone:  703-216-1958
  • Email:

With over a decade in the industry, Samantha’s local experience shines brightly! From humble beginnings in contract compliance, to title searches, pre/post closing, and becoming a licensed settlement agent. Her long time nova residency, and professional prowess, have given her a seasoned, multifaceted understanding of the local industry, community, and culture!

As an agent now, grounded in this foundation, Samantha provides her discerning clients with respect, integrity, and loyalty. Her commitment to core values ensures a noticeably higher level of care marked by honest, fair, and ethical practices. Samantha’s high energy and happy disposition compliment her comprehensive approach and genuine enjoyment of her work!

By day, Samantha infuses her industry expertise with her passion for real estate! All the while quietly executing her plans for world domination.

By night, (or by late afternoon really) Samantha spends her time in creative expression. What does that mean? “I just love being outwardly creative! Drawing and writing of course, photography and video moreso; but dance and song are my jam. Singing in tall stairwells, rapping in parking garages, and ballads in empty homes. Sounds strange? no sounds Great! And as for dancing? I am a semi-pro competitive dancer. I’m an international world champion in latin dancing. Seriously, I’ve been dancing for over 15 years. Bachata and Salsa specifically.”