Roxanne Winfrey

Agent Partner

Roxanne Winfrey

  • Title:  Agent Partner
  • Phone:  703-303-4788
  • Email:

Roxanne is a highly skilled and experienced real estate agent based in Northern Virginia. She specializes in the sale of homes in 55+ communities and has a reputation for her expertise in this market.

With over 5 years of experience in the industry, Roxanne has a deep understanding of the Northern Virginia real estate market and is well-respected by her colleagues and clients. She has a strong track record of success, consistently ranking among the top agents on her team and receiving numerous awards for her sales achievements.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Roxanne is known for her commitment to her clients and her ability to go above and beyond to help them achieve their real estate goals. She is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service and ensuring that every transaction is smooth and successful.

Outside of work, Roxanne enjoys time on the pickleball courts, golf, and bowling. Roxanne had her first grandson in 2021. She is also involved in several local charities and is committed to giving back to her community.