Richard Mendoza

Agent Partner

Richard Mendoza

  • Title:  Agent Partner
  • Phone:  703-286-9625
  • Email:

Richard Mendoza is a seasoned Realtor® with a deep-rooted passion for real estate. His journey into the industry began at a young age, as he watched his father successfully manage a real estate company for over 25 years. Inspired by his father’s accomplishments, Richard developed an unwavering fascination with the world of real estate.

Eager to make a meaningful impact on his community, Richard wasted no time in obtaining his real estate license. With an inherent understanding of the industry’s intricacies and armed with the knowledge passed down from his father, he embarked on a mission to give back to others through his work.

For Richard, being a Realtor® means more than just facilitating transactions; it is a gateway to helping individuals achieve their ultimate goal of homeownership. Every day, he enthusiastically collaborates with clients, tirelessly striving to fulfill their objectives. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Richard takes immense pride in providing unparalleled care throughout the entire process.

Richard firmly believes that owning a home is an opportunity for individuals to create a secure future for themselves and their children. Understanding the profound impact of homeownership, he is driven to guide his clients towards this significant milestone. By empowering them with knowledge, support, and personalized attention, Richard helps pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.

Bilingual and fluent in Spanish, Richard’s ability to communicate effectively with a diverse range of clients is a testament to his dedication and inclusivity. This valuable skill allows him to connect with individuals from various backgrounds, fostering trust and understanding throughout the real estate journey.

With each client interaction, Richard’s passion for real estate shines through, and his genuine desire to make a positive impact leaves a lasting impression. Through his unwavering commitment to excellence, Richard Mendoza continues to shape lives, build communities, and turn dreams of homeownership into tangible realities.